2&3/268 Great Eastern Highway, Ascot WA

Key Information

2&3/268 Great Eastern Highway, Ascot WA


Contact Agent


Medical/Consulting / commercial

Build Area

850 sqm

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Agora Team
Con Passaris
9386 9981
0412 004 374
Agora Team
Jonathan Kilborn
08 9386 9981
0404 796 137

Property Description

+ Brand new Medical/ Office building

+ 55,000 cars/ potential customers per average weekday

+ Join National Tenants.

+ Current tenancy mix: KFC, Grill'd, Kwik Koffee Drive through Coffee, Vibe Service Station and Body Fit Personal training.

+ Tenancy 1 LEASED

+ Tenancy 2 provides 850 sqm on the first floor with dedicated Entrance Foyer and lift.

+ 183 onsite car bays and end of trip facilities including; showers and bike racks.

Flexibility in leased area as follows:

Building Areas: T1: LEASED
T2: 850 sqm, Level 1
Rent: Subject to negotiations

Call Ross Skelton, Jonathan, Con and Ross Skelton to discuss and arrange an inspection...

For more information or to arrange an inspection, please contact us today.

Property Location